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Monthly Archives: Oct 2018

The Power of the backspace key – revisited

by Kazeem Olalekan – CEO Iforg Limited

Courtesy of the Wayback Machine – Internet Archives, I am able to track down something I posted in the previous incarnation of this site. The blog entitled: ‘The Power of the backspace key’ was posted on the 27th of February 2010 – over 8 years ago! It is a reflective piece (most of my posts tend to drift in that direction anyway). The context of this post was this: I had had my seminal moment in July 2008 and will become baptised by 27th of March 2011. And there were things happening in between (also see project Armagh). You could say I had reached a crossroad and contemplating my next course of action….my next direction. I made my decision: became baptised and returned as a paediatrics pharmacist at Southampton  University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. It was the essayist Henry David Thoreau that said: “Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.” Enjoy the piece.

as posted on 27th February 2010 on the old Iforg Limited website:

The power of the backspace key

by Kazeem Olalekan

I was born in Nigeria. A conversation I had recently with a colleague brought something into sharp focus for me. My mind travelled back to when I was in Nigeria. My father owned a pharmacy business and there was a period when the business trading climate was difficult; just like the current global recession – I call it a family recession. He had to lay off his staff, sell some of his vehicles and take a range of other actions. It was times like this that I was his son, his secretary, his business associate, his friend

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